Proper weed and brush control management is one of the most cost-effective practices for range and pasture producers. Weeds cost pasture farmers and ranchers millions of dollars in lost production each year because they rob desirable forages of moisture and nutrients. This is the time of year we usually apply herbicides to our summer pastures for broadleaf weed control and a few troublesome kinds of grass. At J&N Feed and Seed, we offer a variety of herbicides for brush and weed control as well as hand-held and agricultural field sprayers from Wylie and Bell.
Pick up the following products at J&N:
- RM43
- Weed Free Zone
- 2, 4-D Amine
- PastureGard HL
- Oryzalin
- Sure Guard
- Tordon RTU
- Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer
- Weed-Out
- Killzall
- Roundup
- Pramitol 25E
- TVC Total Vegetation Control
Stop by J&N Feed and Seed and talk to the experts about weed and brush control needs.