J & N Feed and Seed

Tarter Elite Dog Kennel

Keep the pets you love safe and secure. It’s why we went to extremes to make sure Tarter’s Elite Dog Kennel is the strongest kennel in America. Galvanized, powder-covered steel, thick tubing, and 8-gauge wire are just a few of the reasons why this kennel looks great, is long lasting, and Tarter tough.

Tarter’s Elite Dog Kennel is the strongest kennel in America.

Check out Tarter Tank’s website for more information about their products including hydraulics, stands, raised bed planters, and other high-quality farm & ranch equipment.

Be sure to stop into J&N Feed and Seed located in Graham, Texas.  Or, feel free to contact us for more information about our stock of Tarter Tanks. Our helpful staff is happy to find the best galvanized tank for this summer and beyond. Also be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter and get tips and information on new products.