Raindrip Automatic Watering System Kits

Automatic Watering systemWith our Texas temperatures heating up, J&N Feed and Seed is working to find low volume watering products that will help conserve water and provide an effective way to keep your landscape alive.  We are now stocking  Raindrip Automatic Watering System kits.  These low volume, drip irrigation kits, are customized for different areas of your landscape and garden and can convert your sprinkler system to a drip irrigation system. Installing a drip irrigation system is simple.

Raindrip Automatic Watering Kits with Timer
The Raindrip Automatic Watering Systems are simple to use drip watering kit that waters flowers, shrubs, and trees in your landscape areas (not for lawn use). They’re water efficient, simple to install and most* include a battery-operated timer so you can set your system to water automatically. Click here to read more about Raindrip Watering Kits.

Expand & Customize

Water up to 75 plants at once with Raindrip add-on products.

It’s easy to customize or expand your system. You can add additional tubing, feeder lines and fittings to fit your system to your landscape.

Pick up a kit today at J&N Feed and Seed.


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