Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

Mesquite Control With Sendero

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Mesquite Control

Sendero – The New Standard In Mesquite Control

Looking for ways to get rid of mesquite and  clear the way for more grazing land and wildlife habitat? Look no further than Sendero herbicide, from Dow AgroScience. Sendero® herbicide gives you the most effective, most consistent chemical control of mesquite ever — down to the roots, releasing native grasses to thrive. Aerial trials prove its superiority.  Sendero® can clear your way to more low-cost grass for livestock, more fringe habitat for wildlife and a lasting legacy for future generations on the land. Stop by J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas and talk to us about your forage needs. We’re here to help.


Beneficial Insects

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAJ & N Feed and Seed can special order a variety of “beneficial insects” to help clean up garden pests.  These insects are an excellent, non-chemical way to help control pests in your garden or landscaping.

Lady Bug Beetles are excellent aphid predators.  They will also feed on whiteflies, mites, and other scale insects.

Beneficial Nematodes control pests that develop in soil.  An effect way to control fire ants, termites, grubs and more.

Praying Mantis eat a wide variety of insects including aphids,  mosquitoes, caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers and crickets. There isn’t much these bugs won’t eat.

Trichogramma Wasps are effective in controlling webworms, canker worms, tent caterpillars and other vegetarian worms.

Stop by our store to order any of natures fab four and control pests in your garden this summer.

Spring Deer & Gamebird Food Plot Mixes

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

food plot mixPick up your Spring Deer & Gamebird Food Plot Mixes at J&N Feed and Seed. Serious deer hunters know how beneficial food plots can be in the health and size of deer. An average adult deer will consume 6 pounds of feed per day. This means that one deer can be supported on roughly 22 acres. However, body size, health and antler size are going to be well under their potential because of the poor average protein content of the native vegetation. Deer need about 16% protein to express their potential, especially during fawn rearing and antler growth. 

It is entirely possible that spring and summer are the times when your deer herd needs you the most! Some would argue that supplemental feeding is enough.  But even if you do it right, it is shown that no matter what you feed or how you feed it deer, will only consume 20% to 25% of their diet from the supplemental feed. So you are not making a big enough impact on their nutritional intake. You cannot assume that you can forget about deer now and they will automatically be big healthy wall hangers next fall.

J & N Feed and Seed has spring food plot seed mixes by MBS. We’ve got the Spring Deer Blend and the Spring Game Bird Blend. Both food plot mix blends are manufactured in Denton, Texas and formulated for this area of the state. Stop by and get ready to plant your seed plot today.

Fish Truck Delivery May 25

Friday, April 29th, 2016

fish truck deliveryReady for another fish truck delivery? Abneys Fish Truck will deliver to J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas, on Wednesday, May 25th, from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

The truck will have channel cat, large mouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, red ear bream, and fathead minnows. The truck provides containers for all fish but the 11″ channel cats, so please bring your own containers for them.

It is not necessary to pre-order the fish, but if you are looking for a large quantity we suggest you call. Questions?  Give us a call at 940-549-4631. With the weather warming, it’s a great time to stock your pond!

Shop J&N for koi, sport and game fish feeds. We carry Mazuri koi feed and Purina AquaMax feeds.

Feeding Brood Mares for Optimum Performance

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Feeding Brood MaresWhen feeding brood mares, we must keep in mind that not only do we need to meet the nutritional needs of the mare, we must also meet the nutritional needs of the foal. Therefore, the needs of the brood mare change depending on the stage of reproduction.

One factor to keep in mind when feeding brood mares is that body condition may be the single largest influence on the mare’s reproductive performance. Research has shown that mares maintained in moderate to fleshy condition cycle earlier in the year, require fewer cycles to conception, have higher pregnancy rates and are more likely to maintain pregnancies that are thin mares. The recommendation is for brood mares to be maintained at a Body Condition Score of 5.5 to 7. (BCS’s range from 1 to 9, see Body Condition Scoring Your Horse for more information).

Open mares
The open mare (not pregnant) can be fed much like a maintenance horse. The energy (calorie) requirements of mature, idle horses are low and may be met by feeding high-quality forages. However, since high-quality forages may not always be available, concentrate feeds such as Purina® Strategy® GX, Strategy® Healthy Edge or Omolene #100® horse feeds may be fed in combination with forage sources to maintain the horse. Further, hay and/or pasture will likely not meet all the protein, mineral and vitamin needs of the mare, so the concentrated feed (fed at recommended amounts) will provide essential nutrients to meet the mare’s requirements.

In many situations, open mares fed good quality forages will maintain their body condition easily on the calories provided by grass or hay alone. In this case, Purina® Enrich Plus® ration balancing horse feed may be appropriate in small amounts (1-2 pounds per day) in addition to the forage to supply adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals without adding unnecessary calories for the brood mare.

Early gestation
During early pregnancy (first eight months), the mare can be fed the same as the open mare. During this time, the unborn foal is growing at a rate of about 0.2 pounds per day, which is slow enough that the mare does not usually require extra feeding. Again, however, forages alone may not contain adequate amino acids, phosphorus, copper, and other minerals and vitamins, so the addition of Purina® Strategy® GX, Strategy® Healthy Edge, or  Omolene #100® (or Omolene #200®) horse feed is appropriate. Purina® Ultium® Growth Horse Feed is another option for mares that require higher caloric density to maintain body weight and condition during early gestation. If the mare is an easy keeper and maintains body weight and condition on hay or pasture alone, then Purina® Enrich Plus® would be a good choice to provide essential nutrients for the mare and the developing foal.

Late gestation
Sixty percent of the unborn foal’s growth occurs during the last three months of pregnancy, so the mare’s protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements increase to meet these needs. In fact, the foal’s growth rate increases to about 1 pound per day during this period. In order to meet the needs of both mare and the developing foal, Purina® Ultium® Growth, Strategy® GX or Omolene #200® horse feed should be fed along with good quality hay and/or grass.

Mare lactation
Nutrient requirements for digestible energy in lactating mares depend on the composition and quantity of milk produced.  Mares with greater milk production will need more energy (total calories) in their diets. Mares produce an average of three gallons of milk daily during a five-month lactation period. Digestible energy requirements are highest for lactating mares immediately after foaling.  Depending on the mare, energy requirements may increase up to double the maintenance requirements.  Protein requirements are also highest during the first three months of lactation. Early in lactation, the foal requires milk that is rich in energy, protein, calcium, and phosphorus, so the mare must be fed appropriately. Keep in mind, however, that a sudden change in feed to meet the mare’s increased need may result in digestive disturbances such as colic.  Increases in the mares’ need should be made gradually over seven to 10 days to allow the mare’s digestive system to adjust. Purina® Ultium® Growth, Strategy® GX or Omolene #300® are all appropriate choices to meet the mare’s needs, especially if the foal is allowed to nibble on the mare’s feed.

In the fourth, fifth and sixth months of lactation, the mare’s milk supply decreases, therefore her need for additional nutrients declines, and her feeding level should be reduced proportionately to maintain her body condition score for the next breeding season or to support a new pregnancy.

Visit us today at J & N Feed and Seed for the right Purina Horse Feeds to meet your brood mare’s nutritional needs.

Source: Katie Young, Ph.D. – Equine Nutritionist, Manager Equine Technical Services, Purina Mills

Enter to Win a Lifetime Super Combo License

Thursday, April 21st, 2016

This is your chance to win a Lifetime Super Combo License, giving you the right to hunt and fish in Texas without ever having to buy another state license.

Only $5 per entry and you can enter as many times as you like!

Purchase your entries wherever Texas hunting and fishing licenses are sold.

Find a retailer near you or purchase online now!

The next drawing will be held on June 30, 2016. Entries will be on sale through midnight, June 27, 2016. If you entered before December 27, 2015 and your name wasn’t drawn in the December drawing, you will be eligible for the June 30, 2016 drawing.

The drawing package also includes a 1-year subscription to Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine. All proceeds from the Lifetime License Drawing fees go directly to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for on-the-ground conservation efforts that help make Texas one of the best places in the country to hunt and fish.

2015-2016 Official Rules 

Click here for more information on Lifetime Licenses.

Young County Friends of NRA Banquet And Gun Raffle

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Friends of NRA Young Country Friends of NRA Banquet will be held on May 6, 2017, at 5:00 pm, at the Young County Arena, Barclay Room. Come out for dinner and gun raffle. Dinner tickets are $25 and raffle tickets are $20 each.

5 Guns in 5 Minutes Raffle to be held during this event. Raffle tickets are $20 each and you do not have to be present to win. Guns will be drawn in this order:

  • Springfield XD .40 S & W Black
  • DPMS Oracle 223/5.56
  • Savage Stevens 555 O/U 20 ga
  • Savage Stevens 308 Hunting Rifle
  • Kimber Pro Carry II 2-tone .45 ACP

Please contact Graham Arms & Surplus at 1075 US 380 East, to purchase either raffle tickets or event tickets. Raffle guns are currently on display at Graham Arms & Surplus, so come take a look.

You many also purchase tickets online here or contact Catherine Delong at 940-456-6237.

Young County Arena
120 Barclay Blvd.
Graham, TX 76450


Snake Bite Cautions for Horse Owners

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Snake Bite Cautions for Horse Owners

Spring and summer months bring an increase in horse activities and the end of hibernation for rattlesnakes. As they begin to emerge and leave their dens, until their return during cooler fall weather, this movement and activity increases the incidence of horses bitten by rattlesnakes. Of the 27 species of rattlesnakes in the United States, 11 are found in Texas. The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake and the Prairie Rattlesnake are the most common rattlesnakes found in the western part of Texas where veterinarians treat an average of about 6 – 10 cases per year. Over 90% of these bites occur on the face, primarily the nose, in pastures or fields while the horse is grazing. They can also receive some nose bites when the horse gets curious to the sound, site and smell of the rattlesnake. The second most common bite site occurs on the lower limbs. Rarely, horses may be bitten on the chest, abdomen, upper legs or other locations while the horse is lying down.

Rattlesnake venom contains many myotoxins and hemotoxins.  Localized signs of rattlesnake bites include significant to severe swelling, pain, and bleeding at the bite site, with significant tissue damage. Horses become lethargic and usually have difficulty breathing. Occasionally, systemic signs such as dehydration, fever and irregularities in heart rate and rhythm can be present. Shock rarely occurs. Severity of reactions may depend on the amount and concentration of the venom injected by the snake. Size, species, health, age of snake and condition of its fangs also can affect the outcome of the bite.

When a horse receives a rattlesnake bite, keeping the horse from moving or becoming excited prevents further absorption and circulation of the venom. This also limits further increases in respiratory rate through a horse’s restricted air passages. Most facial bites usually resolve with early treatment but an average of 20% of leg bites can result in chronic problems such as lameness or infection.

Rare long term complications include cardiac disease. Medical treatment is aimed at ensuring that the horse has adequate breathing capabilities. Cut off garden hoses or syringe cases can be placed a distance up the horse’s nostrils to open up the airways. Although this technique can be a useful tool, some horses won’t tolerate it because their nose is too painful and/or they are frightened by the procedure. Medications used by veterinarians include steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to decrease swelling around the bite site. Tetanus prophylaxis also is indicated. Antibiotics are used as well as local wound therapy on leg bites. Wetting hay and feed for horses with facial bites can help them eat.

By Ginger Elliot, DVM, Guthrie, Texas

We Have Yellawood Timbers For Your Landscaping Projects

Friday, April 1st, 2016

yellawood timbersAvailable now at J & N Feed and Seed – Yellawood timbers. Timbers are the building block of many outdoor building projects. They provide perfect support for your deck, gazebo, or fence. They can also be used to outline your favorite flower bed or create the frame for a small raised garden area.

Yellawood Timbers are treated to protect against rot, fungal decay and termites. Stop in and pick some up for your weekend yard project. Need some ideas? Here are just a few. 


Start Your Garden At J&N

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

garden We love spring time at J&N Feed and Seed because it means time for garden planting, fertilizing, and preparing for the bloom of wonderful veggies, flowers and much more.

We have just received a new batch of veggies and various garden seeds! Stop by our greenhouse and let’s get this garden started! Now on hand, we have:

  1. A great selection of  vegetables, flowers and herb plants
  2. Bulk and Small Package Seeds
  3. Organic Seeds……

Stock up on potting soil and mulch too!

Tips on Planting:

Having your very own veggie/herb garden isn’t as complicated as you might think, although it does require dedication. The most important part is planning and making sure you have all of the right materials and information. When setting up your space, it’s important to remember a few key items:

  • Do you have enough sun exposure? Vegetables love the sun. They need at least 6 hours of full sun every day, and preferably 8.
  • Know your soil. Most soil can be enriched with compost and be fine for planting, but some soil needs more help. Check with us at J&N Feed and Seed.  We carry a variety of different types of soils and we can help you find the best match for your growing needs.
  • Placement is everything. Avoid planting too near a tree, which will steal nutrients and shade the garden. In addition, a garden too close to the house will help to discourage wild animals from nibbling away your potential harvest.
  • Decide between tilling and a raised bed. If you have poor soil or a bad back, a raised bed built with non-pressure-treated wood offers many benefits. We carry Yellawood Landscape Timbers, perfect for a raised bed.
  • Vegetables and fruits need lots of water, at least 1 inch of water a week. Make sure you have a good irrigation or watering system. IF you have a spot that is in full sun, consider an Olla irrigation pot, sold right here at J&N.

For more information on gardening, come visit us at J&N Feed and Seed.


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